3D Meditationsmusik - 3D Meditation Music - Música meditativa en 3D - Meditationsmusik - Meditation Music - Música meditativa

Dreamflute Dorothée Fröller
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3D Meditationsmusik - 3D Meditation Music - Música meditativa en 3D

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Spotify Playlist:
Open Gate Into Infinite Frequencies

Open Gate Into Infinite Frequencies
Healing frequencies from the Infinite Field which are helping us
to find wholeness, coherence and peace.
Moses Code Frequency and Rife Frequencies

Puerta abierta a frecuencias infinitas
Frecuencias curativas del Campo Infinito que nos ayudan 
a encontrar plenitud, coherencia y paz. 
Frecuencia del Código de Moisés y Frecuencias Rife

Offenes Tor in das Feld unendlicher Frequenzen
Heilsame Frequenzen aus dem einheitlichen Feld, die uns helfen,
in unsere Ganzheit, Kohärenz und in inneren Frieden zu kommen
Moses Code Frequez und Rife Frequenzen
Unicorn Forest 432 Hz
Wald der Einhörner - Bosque de unicornios

3D Binaural Meditation Music
Free Spirit  
Native American Flute Music With Nature Sounds
285 Hz Quantum Cognition Solfeggio Frequency
Ocean Sounds
Quantum Ocean Of Pure Love 285 Hz
Meditation music in the solfeggio frequency 285 Hz, the Quantum cognition frequency. Meditation music with ocean sounds.
3D binaural recording, please use headphones!
Loving Light Within
Meditation music
Solfeggio Frequency 528 Hz - Moses Code Frequency
3D binaural recording
Spirit Of Peace 432 Hz
Relaxing Music in the key A = 432 Hz
Moses Code Frequency Symphony - I AM

This music is composed on the sound of the two Moses Code Tuning Forks by Jonathan Goldman,
the sound of the Divine Name.
The album is a 3D binaural recording, to really completely and deeply feel the music, please use headphones.
Feel the energy of the I Am sound and allow it to go into all of your cells.
This sound is harmonizing and balancing for body, mind and soul connecting you with your Inner I Am.
To learn more about the Moses Code, please read the book by James Twyman "The Moses Code".
Journey 432 Hz
Relaxing Music in the key A = 432 Hz
Unconditional Love 432 Hz
Meditation Music for unconditional love in the 432 Hz key.
Love Is What I Am / Love Is Where I Am
Ocean Spirit - 432 Hz Music With Ocean Sounds
Soothing relaxing music with ocean sounds and the sounds of whales and dolphins in 3D binaural recording.
Sound Massage For The Soul 3D
Soothing relaxing sounds with healing frequencies in 3D binaural recording. Listen to this album with your headphones to enjoy the music!
Angelic Quantum Frequency 333 Hz
Meditation music in the Angel Frequency 333 Hz. 3D binaural music for Quantum Healing. Listen with ear phones!
Blessings For Gaia
Healing Sounds for Gaia, our planet Earth, which connect and unify you with Gaia.
Pure Consciousness 3D Sound Meditation
Pleiadian Meditation
3D Binaural Music
Sacred Tones
3D Meditation Music With Healing Frequencies

Albums by Dreamflute Dorothée Fröller

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Meditationsmusik - Meditation Music - Música meditativa

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